this is a collection of unpolished, imperfect, messy snippets either from writing exercises or unfinished stories. I’m putting these here to document my progress as a writer, and to remind myself that writing is writing is writing — even if its not perfect.
the well of moons and souls
“Darkness surrounds me, so thick it clogs the senses – filling the lungs, smothering sight – and each swallow brings with it a plume of silver and rust. It is the smell of time, of things long dead.”
“There was no warning, just a sudden whoosh of wind and the curtain before them turned to gray ash. The god was there. There—but not. What was once beautiful and divine, turned corrupt and terrible. Its foul mouth gaped open, unhinged at the jaw. Eyes a sickly gold. From its fingertips, dripped something foul and milky white, and each fat drop hissed as it landed on the marble. It reached for them.”
“Still, I paid it no mind, only stared at the way my mother’s fingers toyed with each sheet, fingering its edges until blood welled up from her fingertips, only to be stripped, one my one, neatly into the fire.”