hello!! currently trying out substack as a new place to yap every week, as this blog is on indefinite pause!

you’re the breeze in my austin nights
Honestly, so many experiences can be summarized in just a few strokes: graduated, started work, moved to Austin, played a lot of Valorant. When phrased like that, it feels like time has completely escaped me, spilling through my fingertips. But I think a lot has happened and changed, even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like it! Could Christina a year ago have predicted that she’d be here?

a retelling
A reflection on the nature of retellings of memory and Greek mythology, mixed with brief reviews of Hades (2016) and Ariadne.

Review of The Batman
There’s a dull sound approaching you. It’s slow, measured, deliberate. You recognize it as metal against concrete, but the distinct thud, thud, thud betrays a hulking weight behind it…

Review of Hyper Light Drifter
I’ve been itching for an 8-bit style action-adventure RPG that I could finish in one weekend, and Hyper Light Drifter definitely delivered. Gloriously rendered pixel art, haunting landscapes, with a sublime and somber OST by Disasterpeace.

A review/reflection of how Shang-Chi, Interior Chinatown, and Houston Chinatown reflect the Asian-American identity - tied together with usual rambling Christina Ji flair

friday the 13th
musings on memory, emotion, and ambiguity - less a blog update, more a reflection on Omori and Almond. really nothing to do with Friday the 13th besides serendipitous posting date