hello!! currently trying out substack as a new place to yap every week, as this blog is on indefinite pause!

Bookish Burnout
If you’re not familiar with burnout, here’s a quick definition a la Google’s first result: “Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.”

Marketing & Bookstagram: The Self Concept
Now, let’s get one thing straight: bookstagram is a labor of love. To have the dedication to post regularly towards this passion speaks of commitment to literature, and the bookish community is centered on authentic experiences with one another. We cultivate our pages to showcase how much we love reading — what else could be more pure? So when I talk about marketing in relation to bookstagram, I do not mean to undermine this appreciation as something easily quantifiable…

What I Learned from One Week on Bookstagram
Within that murky fog that delineates author from audience, I think a similar one exists between readers, as though by sharing our reading experiences, we engage in a dance of sorts. Page by page, hand in hand, we turn. What sort of intimacy is deeper than that of your own relationship with a book? As such, we feel closer to one another by seeing these understandings echoed.

What I Learned from “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates
There is power in media, storytelling, and giving voice to the tangled feelings inside us. I am not an expert, and I cannot speak to the trauma and experiences of the Black community. But I can amplify Black media and speak on the lessons I’ve learned by reading and watching more diverse stories. We start off with Between the World and Me.